Healing Global Disconnect®
Psychological Counseling Services
Using the Be The Cause Mind Map® System for Healing Human Disconnect® on a micro and macro level, the Team at the Psychological Healing Center® is dedicated to paradigm shifting people into interconnection.
Global Disconnect comes in many forms such as racism, sexism, religion-ism etc. Sadly, when individuals become heavily defended because of fear of getting re-injured, there will be little vulnerability and connection. This results in global breakdown and extreme darkness such as wars, hate groups and anything that causes separation and fracturing of humanity.
By healing childhood and cultural wounds that affect and infect us both individually and as a human race, we can create a more sustainable and synergistic global system. Via the Be The Cause Mind Map® System, we can Be The Cause® of creating a pathway to a healthier and more united humanity.

Be The Cause®
As a human race, we have become fragmented into nations, religions, social classes, politics, and races. This fragmentation has resulted in clash and fallout in the form of human atrocities.
Although we have been able to soar to unlimited heights in many areas of human endeavor, we have yet to accomplish the final and most important frontier… to come together as a united humanity.