I am a mental health counselor In training. I decided to pursue this feel because of my husbands narcissistic mother and the dynamics that exist in his self and his family. I have finally convinced my husband that he has some shame-based wounds from his childhood . We are currently separated because of the negativity and his resistance to change I think he is finally coming around however we are looking for a place to tackle some of these childhood wounds I noticed on the talk show there was a comment that was made that narcissist don’t change I know he’s been affected by his narcissist mother is there any hope for our marriage

Do narccisist change their partners personalities into more negative people. Eg. They become snobby, aloof, opinionated, miserable. My brother in law who was once happy and funny has become negative since meeting his wife. We think she is an narcissist as she has some subtle traits but then we don’t know what she’s like in private. She cuts you off mid conversation, tries to control your decisions, can’t take no for an answer, if she buys our child a present she always has to state her children have it, her children are have to be the centre of attention even if your child’s there, says odx things, no empathy and no sense of humour. And does sneaky things for brownie points.